PhD in "Geometric Statistics for Computational Anatomy". Inria, France, in collaboration with Stanford, USA.
MS. in Theoretical Physics "Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces". Imperial College London, UK.
BS. and MS. in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. Ecole Polytechnique, France.
Work Experience
2020 - 2021: Deep Learning Software Engineer for high-dimensional imaging data at Atmo, USA.
2017 - 2020: Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer in the Department of Statistics at Stanford, and Inria @ SiliconValley, USA.
2017 - 2018: Software engineer in deep learning for diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases at Bay Labs (Caption Health), USA.
Reviewer. ICML Workshops (2023).
NSF Panelist. ENG – ECCS – EPCN. (2022).
Co-organizer of the NeurIPS NeuREPS workshop: Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations (2022).
Co-organizer of the BIRS 2023 Workshop on Mathematical Methods for exploring and analyzing morphological shapes across biological scales (09/03/2023 to 9/08/2023).
Mentor at the London Geometry in Machine Learning Summer School (2022).
Co-organizer of the MICCAI 2022 Workshop on Topological Data Analysis and its Applications for Medical Data.
Co-organizer of the PIMS 2022 Workshop on Computational Single-Particle Imaging (CompSPI).
Co-organizer of the ICLR 2022 Workshop on Geometrical and Topological Representation Learning.
Co-organizer of several hackathons for Geometric Learning (2019 - present), see for example SCAI Geomstats Hackathon.
Mentor and member of the committee of Summer Geometry Institute (SGI) at MIT (2021-22).
Co-mentor at Outreachy (2021).
Lead organizer of the ICLR 2021 and ICLR 2022 Challenges of Computational Geometry and Topology.
Chair of the session ``Libraries of Geometric Science of Information" at the Conference of Geometric Science of Information (GSI) -- 2019
Member of the scientific committee of the Conference of Geometric Science of Information (GSI) -- 2017, 2019
Lead organizer of the workshop on Brain Computing at the Berkeley-Inria-Stanford annual meeting -- 2017
Useful links
UCSB ECE Faculty:
BioShape Lab:
Asclepios Team, INRIA:
Department of Statistics, Stanford University:
Susan Holmes Lab:
GeomStats Team, INRIA & Stanford: