Invited Talks


  • 2024, August 8th. Invited talk at The Battle of the Metrics Community Event at the Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN2024). MIT, Boston. Riemannian Geometry of Neural Representations in Natural and Artificial Intelligence.

  • 2024, July 27th. Keynote at the ICML GRaM Workshop (Geometry-grounded Representation Learning and Generative Modeling). Geometric Intelligence.

  • 2024, July 15th. Keynote at the Eresfjord School of Mathematical Methods in Computational Neuroscience. Hierarchical Equivariance in Artificial and Natural Brains.

  • 2024, June 18th. Keynote at the CVPR Equivision Workshop on Equivariance in Vision. Hierarchical Equivariance in Artificial and Natural Brains.

  • 2024, June 17th. MIT DHIVE Program. Digital Twins and the Role of AI in Advancing Women’s Brain Health.

  • 2024, May 28th. UC Riverside Seminar. Robust G-Invariance in G-Equivariant Networks.

  • 2024, May 22nd. Distinguished Speaker for the Annual Tutte Lecture. Geometric Computations in Natural and Artificial Brains.

  • 2024, May 13th. Ann S. Bowers Women’s Brain Health Seminar. Digital Twins and the Role of AI in Advancing Women’s Brain Health.

  • 2024, February 15th. Lie Theory for Vision Grant Colloquium at UC Berkeley Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience. Robust G-Invariance in G-Equivariant Networks.

  • 2024, February 13th. Caltech’s Math & Machine Learning Seminar. Robust G-Invariance in G-Equivariant Networks.

  • 2024, February 9th. UCSB Physics Graduate Seminar. From theoretical physics to geometric intelligence.

  • 2024, January 25th. Workshop of Graph Neural Networks for the Sciences. A survey of message passing topological neural networks.


  • 2023, December 8th. Workshop Spatial Data Science in an Age of Scientific Disruption. Keynote: Geometric Artificial Intelligence.

  • 2023, November 30th. Harvard University, Department of Applied Mathematics. The Differential Geometry of Neural Manifolds.

  • 2023, November 28th. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Applied Physical Sciences Colloquium. Architectures of Topological Deep Learning: A Survey of Topological Neural Networks.

  • 2023, November 16th. UC Noyce Initiative's Launch of the Ann Bower's Women Brain Health Initiative. Artificial Intelligence for Brain Image Analysis: What Do We Know About the Female Brain?

  • 2023, October 6th. Workshop on Multiphysics Measurements and Bayesian Methods. A Survey of Topological Neural Networks.

  • 2023, August 17th. MIT Summer School of Geometry. Architectures of Topological Deep Learning: A Survey of Topological Neural Networks.

  • 2023, July 18th - Eresfjord School in Mathematical Methods in Neuroscience. Geometry and Topology of Neural Manifolds.

  • 2023, June 19th - University of British Columbia. Center for Brain Health. Architectures of Topological Deep Learning: A Survey of Topological Neural Networks.

  • 2023, June 18th - CVPR Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays. Deep Generative Modeling for Volume Reconstruction in Cryogenic Electron Microscopy: A Survey.

  • 2023, June 18th - CVPR Workshop on Topology, Algebra and Geometry. (Keynote). Architectures of Topological Deep Learning: A Survey of Topological Neural Networks.

  • 2023, June 8th - Flatiron Institute, Simons Foundation. CryoEM Summer Workshop. Deep Generative Modeling for Volume Reconstruction in Cryo-Electron Microscopy.

  • 2023, May 31st - UCLA Applied Mathematics Seminar - Coding Differential Geometry for Machine Learning.

  • 2023, May 15th - Ann S. Bowers Women’s Brain Health Initiative. Internal Kickoff. Geometric Deep Learning for Neurodegeneration.

  • 2023, April 19th - IEEE Central Coast Event Talk - Geometric Learning for Shape Analysis from Bioimaging Data.

  • 2023, April 17th - UCSB ECE Summit. Advancing Biomedicine with AI for Shape Analysis.

  • 2023, April 15th - UCSB WISE Panels. Women in Science & Engineering: Academic Careers.

  • 2023, February 17th - UCSB Differential Geometry Seminar. Geomstats: coding differential geometry for machine learning.

  • 2023, February 17th - UCSB Physics Graduate Seminar. Riemannian Geometry: From General Relativity to Biomedical Imaging.

  • 2023, January 31st - Data Science Initiative @ SISSA - Bioshape Analysis with Geometric Learning.

  • 2023, January 13th - UCSB Machine Learning Seminar. Geometric Machine Learning.


  • 2022, November 16th - UCSB ECE Graduate Seminar. Geometric Machine Learning.

  • 2022, November 14th - UCLA ECE Seminar. Shape Learning in Biomedical Imaging.

  • 2022, October 11th - INRIA Saclay, Seminar of the SODA / MIND (previously Parietal) teams. Geomstats: A Python Package for Geometry in Machine Learning.

  • 2022, October 10th - Workshop Geometry, Topology in Statistics and Data Science of the Thematic Program of Institut Poincaré. Geomstats: A Python package for Geometry in Machine Learning.

  • 2022, September 29th - SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science. Mini Symposium of Statistics and Machine Learning in Topological and Geometric Data Analysis. Geomstats: A Python package for Differential Geometry in Machine Learning.

  • 2022, September 7th - Geo2Int (Geometry and Geometric Integration) Workshop. Geomstats: A Python package for Differential Geometry in Machine Learning.

  • 2022, June 20th - Keynote for the CVPR Deep Learning for Geometric Computing (DLGC) workshop. Shape Learning in Biomedical Imaging.

  • 2022, June 8th - University of Washington, eScience Institute Semina and Geomstats Workshop. Geometric Learning for Shape Analysis in Bioimaging.

  • 2022, June 1st - Sage Math conference. Geomstats: A Python package for Differential Geometry in Machine Learning.

  • 2022, May 6th - Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) workshop. CompSPI: Open-Source Software for Biological Imaging – Best Coding Practices.

  • 2022, May 2nd - John Hopkins University Center for Imaging Science Workshop. Geometric Learning for Shape Analysis from Bioimaging.

  • 2022, April 13th - UCSB, Cryo-EM FIB Forum. Deep Generative Models for Molecular Reconstructions in Cryo-Electron Microscopy.

  • 2022, March 11th - Psych & Brain Sciences Department Seminar. Brain Shapes.

  • 2022, March 9th - Computer Science Summit, UC Santa Barbara. Biomedical Shape Analysis with Geometric Learning.

  • 2022, February 17th - Invited Lecture, University of British Columbia, Canada. Deep Generative Models for Molecular Reconstructions in Cryo-Electron Microscopy.

  • 2022, January 26th - Materials Research Outreach Symposium, UC Santa Barbara. Shape Learning: From Images to Scientific Insights.

  • 2022, January 25th - Physics Department Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara. Riemannian Geometry: From General Relativity to Biomedical Imaging.


  • 2021, December 14th - Mathematical Engineering Seminar, UC Louvain. Riemannian Geometry in Statistics and Machine Learning.

  • 2021, December 13th - Séminaire MINES Paristech - PSL Research University. Geomstats: a Package for Riemannian Geometry in Statistics and Machine Learning.

  • 2021, November 19th - Physics Graduate Students Seminar, UC Santa Barbara. From General Relativity to Biomedical Imaging.

  • 2021, November 5th - Toronto Geometry Colloquium. Exploring the Geometries of Life. (Video).

  • 2021, October 27th - Banff International Research Station's workshop BIRS-CMO Geometry & Learning from Data. Geomstats: a Python package for Geometry & Learning from Data (Video).

  • 2021, October 13th - Probability Seminar, UC Santa Barbara. Geometric Statistics for Biological Shape Analysis.

  • 2021, July 14th - 63rd ISI World Statistics Congress 2021. Submanifold learning with Riemannian Variational Autoencoders.

  • 2021, July - Stanford University. Invited Lecture. Probability distributions on manifolds.

  • 2021, February 17th - UC Davis, Seminar on Inference for Dynamical Systems. Geomstats: a Python package for Riemannian geometry in dynamical systems.

  • 2020, March 30th - Lausanne, Switzerland. Workshop on Statistics for Indirectly Measured Functional Data. 3D shape reconstruction with pose estimation: what is the right metric?

  • 2020, March 23th - Oberwolfach, Germany. Workshop on Optimization on Riemannian manifolds. Geomstats: a python package for Riemannian geometry in machine learning.

  • 2020, November 15th - Math Bio Seminar of the University of British Columbia. Geometric Statistics for shape analysis of bioimaging data.

  • 2020, October 1st - Stanford University, USA. Probability distributions on a Riemannian manifold.

  • 2020, March 10th - Harvard Medical School, USA. Advancing cancer research with analysis of bioimaging data.

  • 2020, February 19th - UC Santa Barbara, USA. Seminar of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Advancing medical research with shape analysis of bioimaging data.

  • 2020, February 13th - Stanford SLAC, USA. Seminar of Articial Intelligence. Shape learning.

  • 2020, January 23th - Georgia Tech, USA. Seminar of Mathematics & Biology. Shape analysis of bioimaging data.

  • 2020, January 8th - UC Davis, USA. Statistics Seminar. Statistical shape analysis for bioimaging data.

  • 2019, September 5th - Toulouse, France. Workshop on Geometric Statistics. Learning weighted submanifolds using geometric variational autoencoders.

  • 2019, August 29th - Toulouse, France. Geometric Science of Information Conference. Geomstats: a python package for Riemannian geometry in machine learning.

  • 2019, June 18th - Salt Lake City, USA. Math in the Desert Workshop. Submanifold learning with variational autoencoders: Application to brain manifold learning.

  • 2019, March 16th - San Francisco, USA. Molecular Med Tri-Conference & Bio-IT West. Building a Computational Model of the Human Anatomy using Medical Images.

  • 2019, February 20th - Berkeley, USA. Seminar of UC Berkeley. Statistics on Shape Data: Correcting an Asymptotic Bias in Template Shape Estimation.

  • 2018, July 15th - Stockholm, Sweden. International Conference of Machine Learning (ICML), Workshop Geometry in Machine Learning (GiMLi). Geometric Statistics: Learning from Medical Images?

  • 2018, May 19th - Baltimore, USA. Seminar of John Hopkins University, Center of Imaging Science. Geometric Statistics for Image Analysis.

  • 2018, January 28th - Oberwolfach, Germany. Meeting of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.Geometric Statistics for Computational Anatomy in the Session on Statistics for Data with Geometric Structures.

  • 2017, December 16th - London, UK. 10th International Conference on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2017). Geometric Statistics for Computational Anatomy in the Session on Statistics for data with geometric structure.

  • 2017, November 16th - Cambridge, UK. Shape analysis and computational anatomy workshopTemplate shape estimation: correcting an asymptotic bias.

  • 2017, December 20th - Goettingen, Germany. Goettingen Statistics Seminar. Open questions in Geometric Statistics.

  • 2017, December 13th - London, UK. BioMedIA Seminar of the Department of Computing, Imperial College London.Geometric Statistics for medical image computing.

  • 2017, November 29th - Kingston, Canada. Seminar at Queen's Hospital. AI for Diagnostic Radiology.

  • 2017, September 23rd - Orlando, USA. American Mathematical Society (AMS) Sectional Meeting. Estimation on manifolds: synchronization of rotations for cryo-electron microscopy in the Special Session on Mathematics of Biomolecules: Discrete, Algebraic, and Topological.

  • 2016, June 7th - Stanford, USA. Stanford Statistics Seminar. Template shape estimation in Computational Anatomy. 

  • 2015, November 2nd - Montpellier, France. Statistics Seminar of Université de Montpellier. Statistical properties of the Fréchet mean in quotient spaces. Applications to Computational Anatomy. 

  • 2015, February 19th - Vienna, Austria. International Workshop on Infinite-Dimensional Riemannian Geometry with Applications to Image Matching and Shape Analysis. Erwin Schroedinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics. Noise Effects on Quotient Spaces M/G.